Different buildings, different departments, different, 120 rooms, over 30room types. The new AV concept combines diversity and standardization. And has been shortlisted for the 2022 Inavation Award in the „education“ category.

Standardised operability of the AV systems enhances orientation on the entire campus. And uniform equipment facilitates service and support.

Seminar room, music room, language lab or workspace – the new AV concept considers the needs of every single department. From projectors to chalk boards.

Same learning comofort, even in long rooms: additional displays provide better readability of board content in the rear part. In 30 rooms, room acoustics were improved through absorbers or new ceilings.

Equal connetions in all rooms make BYOD easy for everyone. Technical and AV presetes allow uncomplicated recording or streaming of lectures in specific rooms.

Ceiling-mounted displays in the historic building – some rooms now count with modern LED lighting in the new false ceilings.

Despite alll economic and organisational advantages of standardization, there is no „one fits all“, at least no „one fits all perfectly“. This is why university Magdeburg-Stendal gave proirity to teaching and the individual needs of each department when establishing AV standards. As a consequence, there are no more different room types. But every room perfectly fits its purpose, without any redundancies or unnecessary features.
Nevertheless, standardized user surfaces do comply with: „one fits all“. For good orientation and confident usage of AV systems. And for a strong focus on what matters: academic content.
The Center for Intersdisciplinary Media Performance (ZIM) has produced a video about usuing the new AV equipment on the campus – f0r a successful start into a new semester on site.
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